3 Ways to Use Old Timber Skids in Your Landscaping

22 May 2018
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog


For many homeowners, changing the look of their landscape is something they do on a periodic basis. You may get tired of the look, or you may want to upgrade the look for curb appeal purposes. Regardless of your reasoning, you probably want to go with an inexpensive option to help lower the landscaping costs. One option is to use old timber skids. Here are three ways to use old timber skids from industrial parks and manufacturing, to help create the landscape idea you want.

Retaining Barrier

One of the issues that many homeowners have with landscaping is erosion in their garden beds. For this reason, a retaining barrier of some kind is used. You can purchase various types of barriers made of everything from stone to wood. The cost of these options can be large depending on the size of your landscape and the garden bed size. Instead of buying new, you can use old timber skids. Simply break them down and use them as timber planks or you can cut them down and bury a portion in the ground while a portion remains above ground to work as the retaining wall and help prevent erosion.

Raised Garden Beds

If you want to start a fruit or vegetable garden but your soil is unsuitable for growth, consider raised garden beds. You can create these easily with timber skids. Simply lay one side down and cut the other into four equal pieces. The base skid can help build a suitable foundation for the garden bed while the four equal pieces act as the walls of the raised garden bed. Once you have the square bed constructed and placed, fill with the soil and compost of your choice and begin planting.

Vining Walls

If you have roses or other vining plants as part of your landscaping design plan, then you know you need something for those vines to climb. You can use your walls, but that can lead to issues with vines growing into cracks in the brick, if you have brick. You can also experience issues with removing the vines or damaging the plant later in the season. To avoid this, and give a nice background for the vines, you can use timber skids. Simply seal them for water protection and stand them upright. If the vine isn't taking to the timber skids, consider placing some weatherproof nails to give them vines something to cling to.

These are only three of the ways you can use old timber skids to upgrade your landscape. Keep in mind you can purchase timber skids directly from industrial manufacturers and even pick them up on the same day. Some sites may also have older timber skids they simply want removed as well.