Why Buy Poly Rather Than Fibreglass Water Tanks?

21 March 2022
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog


If you've decided that you don't want to buy a concrete or metal water tank, then you have to decide whether to go with a plastic poly tank or one made from fibreglass. While poly and fibreglass share some benefits, you'll usually find that poly tanks have the fewest disadvantages.

Why choose poly water tanks over fibreglass ones?

Get One-Piece Construction

Fibreglass water tanks are manufactured to size. So these tanks are made from different pieces of fibreglass which are then connected together. These tanks have seams and connecting joints.

While a high-quality fibreglass tank should last a long time, you might run into problems because of the way it is constructed. For example, if its seams contain metal parts, then these parts might corrode. If they are damaged by rust, then the tank might not be watertight.

On the other hand, poly tanks come in one piece. They don't have individual parts or seams that give them weak spots. Plastic poly materials don't corrode, so your tank should stay in one piece for longer without needing as many repairs down the line.

Get Better UV Resistance

Over the years, UV rays can cause some damage to some water tank materials. For example, if you install a fibreglass tank, then the fibreglass can't cope with the sun's rays on its own. UV ray damage can make fibreglass brittle and more prone to breaking.

While you can buy fibreglass tanks with a specialist UV-resistant coating, this layer of protection doesn't give you long-term guarantees. If the coating itself gets damaged, then you lose some protection. The underlying material becomes exposed to the sun again.

Poly tanks don't have this problem. They have built-in UV ray resistance. These tanks work well in the harshest weather conditions.

Get Better Quality Water

While fibreglass water tanks have some advantages when it comes to storing water in the right conditions, this material can sometimes allow algae to grow in the tank. Fibreglass allows in more light than other tank materials. This light encourages algae to grow on the water.

You shouldn't have any algae problems if you install poly water tanks. Their materials don't let in enough light to create the right conditions in which algae can thrive.

In fact, if you use a food-grade poly material, then your water quality will be top of the range. This is particularly useful if you want to use a tank to store drinking water, either for use in your home or for animals.

If you're interested in learning more about the benefits of poly materials, contact local water tank suppliers.