A Guide On CNC Manufacturing

23 September 2022
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog


Like the past industrial revolutions, the inclusion of computer numeric control (CNC) in manufacturing marked a leap forward in human innovation. The high efficiency, great speed, and more regard for sustainability make CNC manufacturing a revolution. When you need CNC manufacturing solutions, here are a few factors to remember.   

What are You Working On? 

The CNC machine must have unique features that fit your task type. For example, you might have a complex material to machine, such as titanium. A human-operated machine might take longer and encounter more issues before completing the operation. CNC manufacturing takes a shorter time, making it ideal for such an operation. 

CNC manufacturing also makes it easy to work on potentially hazardous materials. For example, cutting materials such as steel and wood produces smoke harmful to your lungs. Instead of manual tools, consider using a CNC plasma or woodcutter. Most CNC machines have ways of disposing of the smoke, such as a waterbed or enclosures, which ensure your safety.

What is your Workload?

Sometimes, the workload drives most business decisions, including the choice of manufacturing methods. If you have a few orders, it is easy to get by using traditional CNC alternatives. However, a massive workload the size most businesses desire requires faster and more accurate manufacturing methods. 

CNC machines are diligent with repetitive tasks that would quickly tire a human operator on a manual system. The complex parts also require a person's concentration to be at their best. However, human minds, muscles, and attention are limited. Machines are more consistent in the long run when handling hundreds or thousands of operations in a day. 

Does it Make Economic Sense?

The accuracy of CNC manufacturing makes it easy to reproduce a process for a long time without training new people or upgrading your setup. Cutting down onboarding, labour, and overhead costs is a major priority for an entrepreneur. Numeric programs such as G-codes on CNC cutters only take a draughtsman to generate and execute without needing a future regeneration. 

Reproducibility is an essential factor in any engineering field. If your clients are strict about the quality and accuracy of work, you can handle a massive load of their requests on a CNC machine and ensure all the products are similar. Therefore, your business satisfies customer requests and draws in more business than usual. This consistency increases customer loyalty which increases your profits. 

Some significant factors that drive your choice of CNC manufacturing solutions include the application, workload, and return on investment.